GSA Plumping Riser Replacement at 230 Federal Building  

Sewer and Vent Riser Replacements at 8 Story Phoenix Federal Building

Project Value: $ 1,200,000.00


El Centro Naval Air Facility Base Wide Backflow

Scope: Install backflow prevention basewide on domestic water lines and fire lines.

Project Value: $ 654,000.00


AJO Air Force Base ARSR Facility HVAC Upgrade

Scope: Full hydronic system and water pump replacement
Services: General Engineering, Piping, Plumbing

Project Value: $ 441,000.00


Chiller Replacement at B999 Luke AFB

Replaced Chiller at Central Plant B999/998, Associated Piping, Controls and Refrigerant Leak Dectection/Ventilation System

Project Value: $ 265,000.00


Luke AFB Building 1540 Cooling Tower Replacement

Scope: 500 ton cooling tower retrofit including piping & electric
Services: General Engineering, Mechanical, Piping, Plumbing

Project Value: $ 128,000.00


Cooling Tower 1 & 2 Replacement at B1150 Luke AFB

Replaced Cooling Towers 1 & 2 and its Associated Piping, Electrical Connections, Retrofit Structural Metal and Build New Walkways & Railings

Project Value: $ 300,000.00


US Probation Office TI Ductwork & VAV

Scope: Demolish and remove existing duct system from building per M101, M102. Demolisish existing HVAC and Install new HVAC system.

Project Value: $ 396,000.00


Luke AFB Building 998 Cooling Tower Retrofit

Scope: 500 ton cooling tower retrofit including piping & pump motors
Services: General Engineering, Mechanical, Piping, and Plumbing

Project Value: $ 80,000.00